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Black For Good : TIPTOE supports Toit à Moi association

19 November 2020

Black For Good : TIPTOE supports Toit à Moi association

For Black Friday 2019, we joined forces with the Black For Good collective initiated by Typology.


One year later, we are proud to announce some good news: we will be taking part in this operation once again, joining in the effort of the Black For Good collective! And we will be offering you with a detailed presentation of the association we have chosen to help.


At TIPTOE, we decided to support the association Toit à Moi (Roof for Me) by offering them 10% of our weekend sales in furniture. In 2019, thanks to your orders, we were able to offer €5,000 in TIPTOE furniture to furnish apartments that meant to house the homeless!

TIPTOE and Black For Good

Black For Good is solidarity movement which brings together nearly 80 brands that wish to make Black Friday a little brighter by doing a good deed. To that effect, on the weekend of Black Friday, these brands commit to donating a portion of their sales to an association of their choice.

Our aim is to transform this key moment of consumption into a moment of generosity and brand commitment.

What is the purpose of the association Toit à moi?

Toit à moi is an association that seeks to to raise funds to house the homeless, but also to find volunteers to accompany them and help them change their lives in a sustainable way. The donations collected are used to buy apartments in several cities in France and turn them into veritable cocoons to welcome and transform the lives of their new occupants.


How did Toit à moi come into being?

In 2007, one winter day, while giving a room to a panhandler, Denis Castin felt the need to go further. Out of his indignation was born a very simple idea: what if, with a group of people, we could house these destitute people? With the help of Gwenaël Morvan, they developed the project and created the association. The initial objective: to raise funds to house the homeless and find volunteers to accompany them.

For how long has TIPTOE sponsored Toit à Moi?

TIPTOE founders Matthieu and Vincent have been making personal donations to the association for several years. When the association expressed its need for furniture, TIPTOE did not hesitate to provide them with the furniture they needed to furnish the association’s apartments.

Why does TIPTOE support Toit à Moi?

The entire TIPTOE team has been touched by the story of this association and is deeply convinced that housing contributes to reintegration and chances for new life for the homeless. So, naturally, TIPTOE furnishings have their place in the Toit à Moi apartments, which helps the association.

Why offer furniture as opposed to financial donations?

Our mission to create durable furniture corresponds perfectly to the needs of Toit à Moi. Once the apartments have been purchased thanks to donations, they must be furnished for the long term. By offering TIPTOE furniture for these apartments, we wish to participate in the association in a very concrete and tangible way. And if that weren’t enough, the entire Toit à Moi team put it to us this way: what could be better than to enter your new home and find nice and colourful furniture that lifts your spirits?

Today Toit à Moi is present in Toulouse, Nantes, Angers, La Ferte Sous Jouarre, Lille, Lyon and Bordeaux. The association has 32 apartments, 73 people helped, 536 sponsors and 75 volunteers! Many thanks to them for their work and their commitment. Do not hesitate to support them if you can!


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