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Tiptoe by George Morton

24 January 2025

Tiptoe by George Morton

Always seeking new inspirations, we invited artists to reinterpret our pieces and integrate them into their own worlds through illustrations. A meeting of two creative realms: discover the illustrator George Morton.

Can you introduce yourself?

Hello! I’m George – an illustrator from Oxfordshire, UK but now living in London where I’ve been for the last 10 years. I mostly create scene and figurative-based illustrations that focus on little moments or joys in the everyday; often inspired by things I’ve seen or experienced.

How would you define your universe?

In most aspects of my life – from the clothes I wear, to my home decor – I often yoyo between wanting a more minimalist or maximalist look. This is also true with my illustrations, and I am usually trying to strike a balance with a simple concept, but bringing in lots of smaller details that you don’t necessarily notice immediately.

My favourite part of the creative process is thinking of and drawing these smaller, less noticeable elements and details (eg. the book spines on the shelf or the vitamin C tablet fizzing away in my Tiptoe illustration). I’ve always loved the idea of being able to tell a story with a single standalone image, but equally not having everything immediately obvious and having to use your own imagination to fill in some of the gaps – and this is something I usually try to incorporate in to my work.

How did this collaboration inspire you?

What I love about Tiptoe’s products is in relation to the above; how the clean and contemporary designs make a minimalist look easy to achieve, but through the range of colours and materials available it’s easy to jump to a more maximalist feel and bring plenty of personality to a room. It was really fun to essentially design part of a room using Tiptoe’s products but through my illustration, and find that balance of minimalist/maximalist I often strive for.

 A place where you feel good?

Outside of my own home, I would say pretty much any book shop (but a special shout out to my local bookshop Ink@84 in Highbury). In the last few years I’ve turned into a big reader and could spend hours browsing in them. However, I am the absolute worst for buying books solely based on their cover, which unfortunately has let me down a lot in the past (I guess that’s where the phrase comes from…).
I’m also currently manifesting getting to work on some book cover projects, so they’re a great place for finding inspiration!


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